Best Contact Phone Number
Do you text
Email Address
Requested Move-in Date
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Drivers License State and Number
Property you are applying to rent and how you saw it advertised?
Current Address, Dates of Tenancy, Landlord Name, and Phone Number
Previous Addresses, Dates of Tenancy, Landlord Name, and Phone Number
Minimum of 3 years' of rental history must be supplied
List ALL additional occupants: Include Name, relationship to you, and age (including minor children)
Employer: Name, Address, Phone Number, Supervisors Name, Income, Job Title, and Start Date
Previous Employer: Name, Address, Phone Number, Supervisors Name, Income, Job Title, and Start Date
Other Income (child support, alimony, etc)
If there is additional income, where is it derived from?
Can you pay the full deposit and first month's rent?
If not, how much can you afford?
Do you know of anything which may interrupt income or ability to pay rent?
Have you ever been evicted?
Have you ever filed bankruptcy?
Do you smoke?
If you smoke, do you smoke inside your home?
Have you or anyone who will occupy the property EVER been convicted or pled "no contendere" to a felony or misdemeanor?
If you answered "yes" please explain what nature the charges were?
List the vehicles of the residents: (auto make, model, year, state, color, and tag number)
Do you have any pets?
If you have pets, what is the breed, desrption, age, and weight of each?
Do you have a checking account? If yes, who do you bank with and how long have you been with them?
Do you have Renter's Insurance? If yes, who is the Carrier and Policy Number?
Are you or any persons who will occupy the property a a registered sex offender?
Provide at least 2 people that could be a reference for you. Please provide their name, phone number, and how you know them.
Rate your cleanliness on a scale of 1 (messy) and 5 (neat freak).
I understand that this property is being leased "AS IS" in its present condition. I understand that Management prefers that I see the property in person and conduct any inspections of the property which I might desire, at my own expense, prior to applying for the property.
Check one of the two boxes below
I have visited the property and had the opportunity to inspect it. I understand that I am accepting the property "as is" except for any stipulations, changes or modifications that are listed as contingencies of this application.
I have NOT yet visited or seen the property in person. However, I understand that if my application is approved, any Holding Deposit or Rent paid is non-refundable and any obligations under the lease I sign are fully enforceable. Having not viewed the property will in no way be a reason for any refund or cancellation of the agreement.
Is there any additional information about yourself that you would like to share? (ex. skills, history, likes and dislikes, previous renting experiences, knowledge of home repair, etc.)
I certify that the information given herein is complete and correct. The Landlord or his agent is hereby expressly authorized to verify the accuracy and correctness of these statements, to communicate with my employers, creditors and landlords, and to procure such other information (including credit reports) which the Landlord may require to evaluate this application at the time application is submitted and at any time in the future, with regard to any agreement entered into with Management. Any false information will constitute grounds for rejection of application, or Management may immediately terminate any tenancy entered into in reliance upon misinformation given on the application.
Name of any Co-Applicants or Co-signors?